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Traveling While Young

I have traveled out of the country three times. I usually take one trip per year, a minimum of a week. It is important to me to see the world and expose myself to world's beyond my limited view. You really learn a lot about yourself, others, groups and individuals. But when you are young there is something difficult about traveling especially as a 21 year old that is not single. The first time I left the country was on a cruise with my boyfriend. It was really fun but it was limited. So the next one I took a thirty day excursion through Europe with a bunch of college students and my little brother.

I learned so much about different cultures, the way different languages accompany expressive gestures and facial expressions. It seems as though it would be easier to listen to language their body is speaking than the words they are saying. (Especially if you don't speak their native tongue.) I felt naive, young, even foolish. But I was excited because being naive, young, foolish meant I have so much to learn and so much to digest. It was like being a baby again, and I can take in all the wonders the world has to offer me and process it, learn it, experience it again and again. I met some amazing people, made some great friends, ate some amazing foods, drank some of the best wine in the world all while finding out things about myself and my little brother.

I am a go-getter. I would walk for hours just so I could see all the parts of the cities, good and bad. I wanted to explore the beautiful cathedrals, abide by traditions and really learn about each of the cultures. I found a part of myself in every person I met. And that made it easy to put down my judgement and lower my walls to learn and observe. Some may call that naive but I call it curiosity. My brother on the other hand was not so thrilled. He suffers from social anxiety disorder. Where I saw the crowds of people as culture, he saw them as a threat and had more than a few panic attacks. I wish I could have protected him. But when you travel you need to know your limits and my 18 year old brother wasn't quite there yet.

Also being overseas youth is beautiful just as much as age and wisdom. But young and beautiful also means naive, so we are taken advantage of a lot. Lots of free things, treats, drinks, especially in the nightlife. But I found myself being very careful considering nothing in life is free. Always be with a group if you can or at minimum a buddy. Wandering by yourself though it is not the end of everything but it is dangerous.

My adventures are only just beginning but if there is one thing I can say for sure is that there is always something to learn and I can't wait to keep learning and exploring. Here's to being young and curious!

Eiffel Tower   Paris, France 2015

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